Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of the Use of Samsaj Infotech

By using any services provided by Samsaj Infotech, you agree to our terms and conditions. Any of these services are obligated to adhere precisely to these terms and conditions. You are indicating your agreement with the disclaimers, terms, and conditions supplied by our organisation by using services from Samsaj Infotech. You won’t use Samsaj Infotech’s service for any actions that are against the law or are prohibited by any of the terms and conditions.


The information on the Samsaj Infotech website is not intended to express any opinion and should not be used to support or object to any decisions you make. All of Samsaj Infotech’s information is solely based on current standards.

Switch of Use

Samsaj Infotech keeps the following rights:

We may, at any time and without prior notice, change, edit, or remove anything on its website. Additionally, by agreeing to these terms and conditions, you confirm that Samsaj Infotech is not responsible for any changes made to its website and is not required to notify users of such changes.

change the terms and conditions whenever they choose without warning. Additionally, if you continue to use your site after the modification, it will be assumed that you agree with the changes.

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